Applying the toolkit to your business
The Fashion Futures 2030 scenarios have been designed as a tool to inspire and challenge those working in the fashion industry. They are relevant to all parts of a fashion business and can be used to explore how we inform, develop or refine strategy, how we design products, systems and services, and how we communicate powerfully about fashion and through fashion in a world experiencing rapid change.
…for future fit strategies
Scenarios are an excellent tool for framing strategy innovation, and for stress testing existing strategy. Developing future fit strategy is critical in a future-minded business and is relevant to those working in sustainability or CSR teams, leadership teams, as well as decision makers.
…for future fit products and services
Designing products and services that will positively serve the citizen of the future whilst helping to tackle some of the big challenges faced by the industry provides a win win. Scenarios provide a way in to explore the role and habits of fashion in the future and to identify the power that fashion has to enact change in societies. In this section you’ll find resources to inspire and drive innovation in designers, buyers and merchandisers.
… for powerful narratives for and through fashion
The stories we tell about fashion and through fashion have the power to speak to individuals and whole demographics. Scenarios offer the opportunity to speculate what stories we want to tell through fashion, and consider how fashion media and branding can be used responsibly and imaginatively to communicate our core values. In this section you’ll find resources to inspire and drive innovation in communication teams, marketing and creative direction.
Download workshop agendas
Get interactive by applying the scenarios in a workshop. Do you prefer a one hour workshop or a full day workshop?
Download workshop assets
You will need to bring some assets to the workshop. Download y
our resources here.